Tags: 3D, APK, Blondinen, Brünette, CG Galleries, Ejakulation, Fantasie, Fetisch, Handjob, Heiße Girls, High Resolution, Lecken, Lgbtq, Liebe, Masturbieren, Medieval times, Öffentlicher Sex, Oraler Sex, Oralsex, Quiz, RenPy, Riesentitten, Rothaarige, Sex, Sexy Ärsche, Spiele, Strip, Über 18, Unzensiert, Video, Visuelle Geschichten, Witze
Diese Geschichte spielt im Mittelalter und du schlüpfst in die Rolle eines jungen Mannes aus einer Kleinstadt. Dieses Spiel enthält nicht viele Sexszenen, aber einige gibt es und es geht mehr um Romantik und Beziehung, nicht einfach nur um Sex. Zusammen mit deiner besten Freundin begibst du dich auf ein großes Abenteuer.
Mehr: Renpy Bugs
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Alle Kommentare anzeigenIt startet weird with all this moderation stuff and endet with a totally world breaking scifi stuff. I don´t mind no sex scenes but this doesn´t fit together at all. At the point where Legacy messes with my body I broke up.
Difficult to read as the background interferes with the text.
And... I strongly reccomend NOT to break the immersion by narrative speeches. Esechially not in middle of a kissing scene. I nearly gave up the story because of this.
Man, these two really do not sound like two lovebirds, they sound like two psychoanalytics analysing their situation...
@dev One can see that you have put a lot of work into the story. Unfortunately, you haven´t followed a few essential principles. There are good reasons why you don't describe people going to the toilet in stories, namely because it doesn't add anything to the story.
Delete all scenes that don't move the story forward and it becomes much more enjoyable to read. Endless debates about what to do and how great and beautiful the beloved are is simply absurdly boring from the reader's point of view.