Letzte Spielkommentare
Lirandil @ 2023-03-09 20:48:15 (Reply)
joelepoele, use the direction key up and the mouse for spotting and enter to open it up.
Alle anzeigen gourmet @ 2024-12-29 13:52:32
an entertaining game but as so often the dev can't put himself in the player's shoes: a) the guidance through the game is not satisfying and therefore the game is not fully playable without an external walkthrough! b) but even the walkthrough found on the net lists all possible achievements but not how to reach them, some simply don't trigger! c) the fact that if you click the wrong button or make a wrong choice you can't scroll back is a pain in the arse!
Alle anzeigen gourmet @ 2024-12-29 13:53:01 (Reply)
d) the mindless quick-click minigames are bad enough in themselves (why not puzzles e.g.), but if you have to play them 40-50 times to earn money without a skip button you can't help but insult the dev in the worst possible way!
Alle anzeigen Norm @ 2024-03-27 00:53:27
I'm afraid to get too close to these creepy fat women, they might slip and bury me alive, or hug me and die because I can't breathe. Disgusting...
Alle anzeigen Jack @ 2024-03-18 01:04:07
Another pain in the ass game, with the diffrence for once its the MC that makes me facepalm.
Alle anzeigen gourmet @ 2025-03-15 13:02:28 (Reply)
i observe the same thing here with most devs, the guidance through the games is often poor, then an external walkthrough is made which doesn't answer all the questions either. guys learn to put yourselves in the player's shoes!!!!
Alle anzeigen gourmet @ 2025-03-15 13:01:57 (Reply)
since i couldn't get it to work last time with the ‘pod’ and the ‘saves’ wouldn't load, i played the game again from the beginning. of course, it wasn't as exciting as the first time. what i would like to point out is that i worked for many years as a non-technician in a large mechanical engineering company. most of the designers did a really great job, but when it came to writing an instruction manual for ‘normal’ people, almost all of them failed miserably!
Alle anzeigen Anonymous @ 2025-01-13 16:48:35
Codes: t355Il0nzzzz M4r333h3art H4nn4HM0nt00000y4 Riverdale
Alle anzeigen Talamasca @ 2020-08-05 01:19:21
What the hell? I have save my game, lock out and now lock in and now evrey save was lost! What this shit? Shall I evrey day start this game new????
Alle anzeigen Dark @ 2025-03-14 21:09:47
The Game is pretty god only thing is that you don´t get many Sp
Alle anzeigen Potato @ 2025-03-14 09:29:36
Very little content and bugged gallery, where you can get stuck. Cheat: firstrelease
Alle anzeigen Lindo @ 2024-06-02 22:57:55
Nobody really needs a new version instead of updating the other two and especially in the new version you start all over again, nothing new, everything old!!!
Alle anzeigen qga @ 2024-03-31 18:03:56
Seriouse dude? Am I in the wrong movie? Rassist shit in a porn game? Get your self a life or crawl behind the moon where you are from Dev.
Alle anzeigen SickRick @ 2025-02-20 21:33:39 (Reply)
YuckDegens, when a guy knows, his wife cheats on him behind his back and he just lets it slide, he's a pathetic cuckold and should be ashamed of himself!
Alle anzeigen Dany @ 2024-04-09 21:34:04 (Reply)
Not even a game, its a powerpoint presentation with bad made pictures and a massive worse story.
Alle anzeigen KiddoRPG @ 2025-03-13 21:22:54
Holy Crap, how Much Advisments would zu possible like to see? Completly Trash
Alle anzeigen 1234 @ 2024-09-13 01:21:19
shitty cucold game bro if u dont trust wife just drop her wtf
Alle anzeigen Brian @ 2024-02-16 21:17:59 (Reply)
kevindino88, are you cuck bro? Wtf is that, enough cuckolding in games
Alle anzeigen JP7 @ 2025-03-12 21:16:06
what is the password for the masked man???? Ive tried "The Sun" or just "sun" wtf is it??
Alle anzeigen Tzuuo @ 2025-03-03 12:53:40
I want to request for an update.V 15.1 is already out Please update the game
Alle anzeigen Couplefucki @ 2023-03-12 20:01:00
"hack-you-browser-game" don't work! not possible to make an input!! And yes we all use windows 7 or windows xp
Alle anzeigen Lauren @ 2025-01-22 13:10:37
I would really appreciate IT If you could make an Option for Aurora to Start Smoking(Vaping would be even better) I think IT would really Match her personality and Look great
Alle anzeigen Ara @ 2025-03-11 20:38:18
In stuck at aunties house. I don’t know what to do. I went to all places but still I can’t get further. Last thing I did was going in the bathroom where auntie was showering. Someone help
Alle anzeigen Foxtrot @ 2024-03-22 17:23:42 (Reply)
Chubaijie, geht mir leider auch so, schon mehrfach neu versucht, immer dasselbe, beim Blowjob vom König Fehlermeldung und dann aufgehangen. Bitte dringend anpassen.
Alle anzeigen steve @ 2023-03-22 16:04:48
das ist schon das zweite oder dritte mal das ich von vorne spielen muss da mein speicherstand mal wieder nicht mehr existiert. echt schade einem ein gutes spiel kaputt zu machen.
Alle anzeigen Alex @ 2024-01-12 17:26:08
Same problem for me. Loading saved games does not work at all, at least after the game was restarted in the browser :-(
Alle anzeigen Gutschi @ 2021-09-29 14:35:36
Ich finde das Spiel super, und freue mich auf ein baldiges Update. Ich bin an punkten an das ende gelangt ist aber nicht so schlimm gibt noch einiges zu entdecken.
Alle anzeigen Kiddo @ 2025-03-10 04:06:50 (Reply)
Duke, that's right, after the phone call (which she overheard) i would have thrown the guy out of the house. The storyline is so unnecessarily long
Alle anzeigen Duke @ 2024-11-25 10:43:00
The last chapter ist disappointing. The endless story of Amelie is boring and at least sensless. Till chapter eight it was exciting, but then its a waste of time.
Alle anzeigen wetpussy @ 2024-01-14 01:38:18 (Reply)
Riok, visit her twice, then you need to talk to another working girl. sorry, forgot her name but only through her, you can hire loona. some quests are connected with each other.
Alle anzeigen Balde miki @ 2025-03-09 08:26:43 (Reply)
Why does the animation don’t work in some scenes ?
Alle anzeigen Julian04 @ 2025-03-08 12:40:43
Is it normal that you Cant Save your Game and get off, when i came on again, my Save Games are Not there and i Need to Play again
Alle anzeigen Roper @ 2022-01-30 08:27:04
I have a question, is there any chance to enter the BDSM Club a second time at the current state of the game? As I said before, I'm in a bunch of dead ends with all charakters. Everyone says, more in future update. At the Moment all I can do is sell pills and grow money.
Alle anzeigen Fgay @ 2025-03-07 21:56:00
This prick Game ist so Trash you need to fuck this stupid trans friend of him how dumb can a Game be
Alle anzeigen Kleiner @ 2024-11-13 11:43:57
i lost all my game save:(((( i had 20 % plsss give it back!
Alle anzeigen LordFugi @ 2022-07-21 14:58:02
Alle anzeigen Nolan @ 2024-03-10 08:33:53 (Reply)
jjnnes89, the reason is simple. Most men playing and devloping these games are fucking retards. Its a kind of customer group that demands a special level of stupidness in thinking. Since it is quite easy to make shitty games, you will approche your customer group fast and the more idiotic content they bring the more these retards like it. With other words, you are in the wrong place, looking for good games. Not that a place with good adultgames exists but thats a diffrent problem.
Alle anzeigen SickRick @ 2025-03-06 22:01:07 (Reply)
Nikkiname, that's exactly why I stopped playing this crap!
Alle anzeigen Johm @ 2024-09-19 20:15:11
no sex ...just masturbation and dreaming ....no porn ....why is this here?
Alle anzeigen Magic @ 2025-03-06 07:23:58
Me too, during the scene when Stacy and Tonya go for the second time to Kitty´s, Failed to load: img/pictures/CHR-NPC-Face-6.png. Hint: Copy another Face.png with the missing name.
Alle anzeigen Alias @ 2023-07-30 12:42:32
This game gives me a headache, so fucking stupid. Don't really know what every one finds about it. No free choices, forced to go a fucking script, damn why the hell isn't is possible to find a normal amout of adult games that act as such and not done from absolute idiots, just hoping from sex scene to cheating to violence to harassment.
Alle anzeigen Jopa @ 2024-12-26 13:40:14
This shit is not working on phone. Why I waited all this fkn time?!
Alle anzeigen Megumin @ 2023-11-28 18:25:01
Next update vorschlag Körpergrösse ändern kleiner oder grösser und das man lesbische zenen haben könnte
Alle anzeigen Pete @ 2023-11-08 01:11:35
Once in a lifetime creator, well, now I know why this story is so fucked up and with zero gameplay.
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The College
2.6M 592not a bad plot but a very bad guide through the game, most achievements can't be discovered without an external walkthrough but even with that you often don't get any further. e.g. #36 no matter what i did it simly doesnt trigger
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