Space Journey X [v 1.50.15]

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Beschreibung: Die Hauptfigur erkundet gemeinsam mit einer Alienforscherin den Weltraum. Irgendwie zerstört er versehentlich ihr Raumschiff. Die Hauptaufgabe unseres Helden besteht nun darin, reich zu werden und nach Hause zurückzukehren. Es wird eine lange Reise, auf der er sich mit verrückten Sex-Bots und außerirdischen Frauen auseinandersetzen muss. Der Hauptcharakter hat aber Glück, er kann sich in allen schwierigen Situationen hilfesuchend an seine Weltraumfrau wenden.
Mehr: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update | Walkthrough

Version: Updated: 2024-12-22, Posted: 2023-08-09. Request for an Update!
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de Lexihartmann @ 2023-12-17 16:25:39

I cant unlock the precurser site in qothur, anyone can help me ?

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nl Dread @ 2024-04-23 16:57:43

Lexihartmann, Have you gotten the Newsbulletin about the Infernium Ore shipments to the Ledruk Mine? Talk to Khelara in the Engine room after that. She'll suggest to get 100T of Infernium Ore, to drop at the Ledruk Mine...Thats the key to get that started...


de Roper @ 2023-08-09 19:22:17

I found the tunneling module on day 1 but are unable to install it in any device and don't have it in my inventory aswell. It's a bug or a feature? A liitle hint, what to do next would be nice.

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br APG @ 2023-08-11 21:29:05

Roper, If you exit the menu, it will tell that you dont have enough pieces. You only have two of the four needed


us Dum Dum @ 2024-02-28 05:28:44

Roper, You cannot place modules into devices that aren't installed. Try to focus more on getting the ship parts than extra modules. The modules themselves to power already gotten ship parts is really all you want to buy modules for. Tunneling modules are more for completing a line than anything.


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| Version: Request for an Update?

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