Straitened Times [v 0.57]

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Beschreibung: Dies ist die Geschichte einer Familie (alles ist unter verschiedenen Namen maskiert usw.). Dein Vater wurde wegen einiger Finanzverbrechen verhaftet und jetzt, nach einem ziemlich guten Leben, landest du mit dem Rest deiner Familie in zwei Motelzimmern. Jetzt bist du der Mann im Haus und musst deine Familie wieder auf die Beine bringen.
Mehr: Renpy Bugs | Help after Version Update | Walkthrough

Version: Updated: 2025-01-10, Posted: 2022-05-11. Request for an Update!
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de Emmmassa @ 2024-08-18 21:27:34

Cool Mega liebe es


de gourmet @ 2024-04-22 11:45:07

no doubt, one of the best games on the site !!! but there is one problem ... the longer you play, the stronger the feeling that you haven't figured out all the game's twists and turns and then, instead of helpful hints, there's this stupid saying "there may be more opportunities ..." as so often, you look for a "walkthrough". found a gigantic work of over 488 !!! days. must have been a tremendous effort. one should be grateful ... but there is another but ...

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de gourmet @ 2024-04-22 11:46:06

even if you strictly follow the "walkthrough" a lot of the actions are very different and some instructions like "keep repeating until you get the scene" don't work at all. the question is why this way ???


de gourmet @ 2024-04-30 11:18:21

have now played thru half of the ‘walkthrough’ v0.45.1(487 days). it's madness! surely no soul in the whole world would have played the game like this on their own! couldn't the ‘walkthrough’ have been built right into the game? worst of all, about a third of the walkthrough doesn't work in my case at all, doesn't trigger like described! i still think it's a GREAT game and so it's pretty disappointing that it's been designed to be so user-unfriendly ???


de Max @ 2023-08-28 16:18:52

Ser gut lslslkxdl dddkdkd ddd,Slow,

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de Max @ 2023-08-28 16:19:27

Hallo es ist sehr gut und more


at Laki @ 2023-06-25 16:34:40

Super exstra spil


de Sarah @ 2023-06-11 14:52:48

Diese Spiele habe ich noch nie gesehen


de endpo @ 2023-03-20 10:49:21

idk was schreiben


de Tukam @ 2022-09-04 09:04:22

Das Spiel macht sehr viel Spaß und ist sehr gut


de Finn @ 2022-09-03 18:48:10

Hallo Ich würde das Spiel spiele


de Playboy030 @ 2022-07-01 17:48:51



de Duran @ 2022-06-01 18:30:30

Das ist ein kules schpiel


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| Version: Request for an Update?

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